
Diskusi Dota dan Bermain Dota secara on-line

Saturday, April 10, 2010

DotA Enigma Solo with Roshan

Thinking playing Dota just for kill Roshan, so try it!!!

Included in the replay is the fastest timing of which have tried to solo Roshan. It took about 8 tries to be honest, not easy. The mode is -ap and used 900 gold (though the last 2 clarities were not put to use, 1 unspent 1 unnecessary), so actually just 800 gold is enough.

Begin with 600 gold in normal dota, so someone probably needs to buy you 4 clarities. Either that or you have to quickly buy 4 clarities with the gold you get from jungling and get your courier to fetch them. The former is probably better, whoever is playing support could afford to buy 4 clarities, and the gold from your jungling can be used to upgrade crow so you are paying back the support player anyway.

Also jungled to simulate how it could be used in real-time, so in actual fact it could have been faster were to get exp from lane instead. A DD rune would help alot as well but it was not in the replay.

Accounting for the above, speeding up the kill by about 15 seconds or more is totally possible too.

Imagine this being used competitively, just ask for clarities from your teammates, and voila ! 200gold to everyone few mins later !

Download Replay Dota Enigma VS Roshan by clicking the image :)

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  1. Ayo Gan yg mau gabung server dota baru

    Name : HeavenEnding

    Ip :

    Tz : 7


    Ayo cepet gabung !!

  2. apaan tuh replay nya ga gerak.. pasti banyak komen yg orang" yg ga ditampilin jg.. parah.. cm buat nyari duit di ziddu

  3. Gabung di server battlenet studiogamerz gan Zone:7
    Koneksi dewa ga bakal dc tiba2
    Scramblenya..... wah rame deh ga susah2 amad pointya bisa dituker sama icon2
    banyak,ada juga icon2 yang ga ada di server laen...
    Saya pertama kali kesana lgsg ketagihan gan!!!!!
    COBAIN GAN!!!!!
    TRUST ME ITS WORK!!!!!!!!!!

    1. koq saya gk pernah bisa gabung y di server apapun. smua unable to connect

  4. Hey DotALoVeRzzz

    Gabung server baru

    name : simplygaming
    IP :
    zone : 7

    dan ikuti tornament hadiah TOTAL 900k

    pendaftaran GRATIS



    Deddi_Gantengs fly fly

  5. TOzkoool.....apa'n tuuh!!!
    .g guna upload yg kya gitu


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