It's a sad day for the fnatic MSI organization, Romi 'melen' Gunawan has decided to retire from DotA and will be stepping down from the team. He has been apart of the team since day one, and has been a longtime teammate along with RitteR.
While he's mostly known in the global scene for being one of the best support players in the world, his support wasn't just inside the game. He has also earned the reputation as one of the most gentle-hearted and mannered players in the scene.
melen: I have decided to retire from DotA now. It is time for me to focus on my studies and my future. I love my team and love to play with them but I want to continue my degree. Good luck to my team in the future, they will find someone to replace me and I know they will be strong. Thanks also to everyone who has supported me!
Romi claims to have lost passion for playing DotA and desires to continue his studies more carefully. He is currently working on his thesis on management and wants to obtain his bachelor's and possibly master's degree.
With melen stepping down, the team will be looking for a replacement. A new player will be announced soon. We wish melen good luck in his life, and thank him for all his hard work and dedication to the team and to Fnatic.
Source: Fnatic.com
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ya emang gitu. Coba deh dipikir-pikir dalam DotA itu bukan hanya membunuh dan dibunuh, tapi ada banyak aspek yang mempengaruhi itu semua. Salah satunya role yang dimainkan melen ini.
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ReplyDeleteSWT dah
wah pensiun......
ReplyDeletewew wew wew wew...
sumpah ini berita paling nyedihin buat gw, di xcn melen merupakan player idola gw banget. eit bukan berarti gw ngga respek ma yang lain. gw respek n bangga sama anggota yang lain. tapi buat gw cuma melen yang berkesan tiap gw liat replay nya xcn. good luck bro. tempat lu di tim mungkin bisa di gantiin tapi ngga ada yang bisa posisi lu di hati penggemar kayak gw. buat xcn gw harap kalian tambah berprestasi n ngabanggain bangsa ini lagi. hidup xcn ^_^
ReplyDeleteGoooo Fnatic !!!
ReplyDeletesi anonim loe cew/cow sich???
ReplyDeletekata2 loe seperti menggambar kan seorang hode hiuhihi
sry bro bukanya menghina tapi kek gitu sich keliatannya
gw minta link nya versi dota terbaru dong n juga tutorial cara ngepatchnya, soalnya gw mau main di rumah nih tq yah.